Fine craftsmanship and detailing is apparent in our multi-tiered arbors, decks, and fences, built with the finest materials available.
- Arbors
- Fences
- Decks
- Trellises
- Lattice Screens
- Retaining Walls
See our Structures Portfolio Here
Arbors provide shelter from the hot sun, and add vertical interest to a garden. Our redwood arbors are constructed with 6 x 6 posts, which are notched to receive 2 x 8 crossbeams. The next layer is evenly spaced 2 x 6’s, which are notched to slide down over the 2 x 8’s. The top tier consists of either 2 x 2’s or 2 x 4’s, spaced according to the amount of shade desired.
We also build a variety of fence types. Our favorite six-footer is a three-rail solid redwood fence with a 2 x 6 cap. We also love the three-foot or five-foot high hog wire fences framed with redwood with a 2 x 6 cap.
Horizontal redwood surfaces do not hold up well to the elements and heavy foot traffic. Therefore we use alternative synthetic decking materials that have a wood-like looking grain that will offer a long, maintenance free life. The railings, benches and accent planters are still built with redwood and stained to match the decking.
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